Wednesday, April 25, 2007

i want a job in the field...

i was talking to my friend esther the other day and she was telling me how she applied online for a job at macys. We are both marketing majors so im always curious about what she's up to in school and work.

on her application, she mentioned that she was a marketing major. she told me that within about a week, she got a response and was asked to come in for an interview. she was going to be interviewed for a position to do the visuals for the oakridge store. it was really interesting for me to hear because i am very interested in getting into the field of retail, especially visuals.

it really got me thinking. i think that soon would be a really good time for me to get into a good job that can give me more experience in my concentration. i want to be able to have a some real experience in my major before i get my degree.

Monday, April 9, 2007

marketing advisement

I attended my marketing advisement today. I almost forgot all about it. Good thing I didn't cos I would have missed out on a couple key issues. Not only that, but if I had missed it, I wouldn't be able to register for classes next semester! That wouldn't be good. The last thing I need is another obstatacle from getting me closer to graduation.

Anyway, the advisement wasn't really as helpful as I thought it would be. It talked about studying abroad and the honors program. Both seem like really interesting programs, but I just thought it would be more focused on the Marketing concentration. Well, it did have a couple good suggestions of classes to take for certain ineterests that a person might want to pursue in marketing. It showed suggestions for people interested in Reatailing and retail managemtn, as well as business to business marketing. Both interest me, so it was good to kow which electives would help me out the most if those were the paths I wanted to pursue.

So it helped, but not as much as i thought it would, but still a good experience.

no strike...

so i learned just a couple days ago that there would be no strike. i had mixed emotions about this. i know that most students were kinda excited to possibly have a strike because then we wouldn't have to attend some of our classes. i mean, it would be ice to catch a little break from classes. but at the same time, im glad that there is no strike because that means that there will be 2 days to review for my 140 midterm. that class is getting pretty tough and that extra day to review could really help.