Monday, April 9, 2007

marketing advisement

I attended my marketing advisement today. I almost forgot all about it. Good thing I didn't cos I would have missed out on a couple key issues. Not only that, but if I had missed it, I wouldn't be able to register for classes next semester! That wouldn't be good. The last thing I need is another obstatacle from getting me closer to graduation.

Anyway, the advisement wasn't really as helpful as I thought it would be. It talked about studying abroad and the honors program. Both seem like really interesting programs, but I just thought it would be more focused on the Marketing concentration. Well, it did have a couple good suggestions of classes to take for certain ineterests that a person might want to pursue in marketing. It showed suggestions for people interested in Reatailing and retail managemtn, as well as business to business marketing. Both interest me, so it was good to kow which electives would help me out the most if those were the paths I wanted to pursue.

So it helped, but not as much as i thought it would, but still a good experience.

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